What is your rock bottom?
Everybody's rock bottom is different.
Rock bottom is that time, that place, that moment, where we have a choice to either look ourselves in the mirror and decide enough is enough or to let ourselves continually fall.
Unfortunately, sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to finally push us to move forward.
For me, I was 20 years old, with unhealthy habits that resulted in a weaker version of myself; both mentally and physically. I was pulling all nighters, eating just about anything, and generally not taking care of my mind, body, & spirit.
One day I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "Enough is enough, this changes TODAY".
Once I truly made this decision, the battle was already over. I made up my mind once and for all that health & fitness is going to be priority for the rest of my life — there is no going back.
Have you hit rock bottom? Have you decided enough is enough? The beauty is, you can make that day today with a single choice: enough is enough.
Ps. Need a program or cookbook to get you jump started? Start here.